Public Safety

Public Safety

At Kelder Threads, we proudly honor the dedication and sacrifice of our public safety heroes through our specialized public safety embroidery service. We understand the importance of clear branding and recognition within the public safety sector, where every detail matters. Our embroidery is designed to represent the valor, honor, and unity of our brave men and women in service.
From job shirts to quilted jackets, mask bags to gear bags, baseball hats to cold-weather gear, we can help. Whether you need complex job shirts with embroidered logos and badge numbers, printed letters on the back, and sewn patches, or straightforward baseball hats with your logo, we offer complete customization to highlight your department or district.

Our commitment to excellence

Public safety professionals require durable and long-lasting apparel. Our team of skilled embroiderers pays meticulous attention to detail, ensuring each emblem, badge, or insignia is crafted with precision and accuracy.  Our embroidery is not only aesthetically superior but also engineered to withstand the demands of their challenging roles.

Tailored Solutions for Public Safety institutions:

Law enforcement

Showcase the badge of honor with our law enforcement embroidery. From police uniforms to tactical gear, our embroidery enhances the uniform's professionalism and distinctive identity.

Fire department

Firefighters deserve the best, on and off the job. Every Kelder Threads stitch reflects their courage, dedication, and unwavering commitment to saving lives.

EMS & healthcare

Professionally embroidered uniforms in the healthcare sector represent reliability and trust. Display your institution's commitment to patient care with our specialized EMS and healthcare embroidery.


/ Experience & expertise

/ Customization & quality

With years of experience in the embroidery industry, we possess the expertise needed to fulfill the specific requirements of public safety institutions.

We offer customization options to meet your unique branding needs. Every design is tailored to reflect your institution's values and identity accurately.

/ Compliance & standards

/ We love our local heroes

Our public safety embroidery meets industry standards, ensuring that our heroes proudly represent their institutions with the highest level of professionalism.

Let us honor and recognize the selfless service of our heroes through meticulously crafted embroidery that symbolizes their commitment and valor.

Featured brands

5.11 Tactical, Game Sportswear, Carhartt, Tru-Spec and more.

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